01273 320650
Life now "much easier" for hospital staff

The customer

The Royal Liverpool University Hospital is the largest hospital in Merseyside and Cheshire. The hospital has 710 beds in more than 40 wards and is the main Emergency Department for the city of Liverpool, the largest A&E in the country. Mike Farrell is one of two Fire Safety Advisers for the hospital. Working in a large, critical environment with hundreds of staff, Mike’s role is to ensure that the Trust maintains statutory compliance and sources the most appropriate fire safety solutions.


Healthcare, Public Sector

Customer requirements

Improve access and meet compliance regulations
Product provided
Freedor SmartSound
"We found Fireco to be very professional both in the supply and installation process, and I have recommended Freedor to my colleagues at the National Association of Healthcare Fire Officers (NAHFO). We are now strongly considering purchasing more units for other areas soon."
Mike Farrell
Fire Safety Advisor at Royal Liverpool University Hospital


Closed fire doors hinder access

At Liverpool Hospital, there are always a large number of people walking around, and staff are on their feet for most of the day, pushing beds and trolleys. Mike found that heavy fire doors were proving to be an obstruction for staff. “Day-to-day, there is a constant flow of staff and members of the public through numerous fire doors. It is particularly important for staff moving patients on trolleys to have ease of access. To eliminate the problem of fire doors being wedged open or damaged, fire safety controls are essential.”

Mike looked for a solution to resolve this: “To make sure we complied with fire regulations, various control systems were researched. We needed a product that would keep our fire doors open, creating a safer environment, but also with the reassurance that the doors would close when an alarm is activated.”

the solution

Jobs made easier for staff

Mike found Freedor, a wireless, overhead fire door closer that makes opening a heavy fire door effortless and closes on the sound of the alarm. He said: “I found that the Freedor units are particularly suited to those areas where it is not practical to install a traditional magnetic door hold open system.”

The outcome

  • Cost-effective solution
  • Easier access for staff
  • A safer environment compliant with regulations.

“Our staff are really happy with Freedor. The unit removes the problem of the heavy entrance door and Freedor is cost-effective as the product is wireless. It has made life so much easier for all of the staff. They have quicker access, and it requires minimal effort to open and close the doors when required.

Find out more about Freedor SmartSound here

Since this Case Study, Freedor has been upgraded to Freedor SmartSound.

Freedor SmartSound is an overhead door closer which makes opening and closing a fire door effortless.

Freedor SmartSound is also available as part of our subscription service Compliance as a Service.

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